Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

Through the reflections and resources that you’ll find in these pages, I invite you to read and journey between worlds and across boundaries. Your story is important, and you are not alone.

“Our homes are not defined by geography or one particular location, but by memories, events, people, and places that span the globe.”

Marilyn Gardner

Take a look at the blog!

From Third Culture Kid topics to culture and faith, come join my journey and reflect on your own!

Between Worlds – Essays on Culture and Belonging

Between Worlds is a kaleidoscope of memory and family, grief and celebration. Marilyn explores the experience of both being and raising Third Culture Kids and raises topics that will serve as valuable conversation starters among expatriate families and organizations. Especially for TCKs, this book will read like a homecoming and offers the gift of multiple me, too, moments. For anyone living ‘between worlds,’ this is a treasure trove of wisdom and perspective from a talented writer.

Rachel Pieh Jones, Author of Stronger Than Death

Speaking & Writing

I speak on cultural competency, living between, and faith. Take a look and contact me!

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